I would love it if there was a way for a row that is entered from an intake form to automatically categorize to a parent line and have the option to place it at the top or bottom of the children. For example, if I have a ticket request form and on the sheet there are 3 parents, Pending, New, and Closed requests. When someone fills in the ticket request form associated with the sheet, the new row would automatically categorize as a child row in the appropriate parent category. In this case New. Having to move manually and constantly move rows creates a lot of manual work. Perhaps a hidden auto-selection on the form settings or the form fields.
Aleya Krenek
Education Service Center Region 13
Grants and Contracts Project Coordinator
Do you have access to somewhere that you can run a program using the API?
You can update the newly added row using one of the two commands to
Top of an indented section a.k.a., first child rowparentId("parentId": 8896508249565060}
Bottom of an indented section a.k.a., last child rowparentId +toBottom{"parentId": 8896508249565060, "toBottom": true}
put the row at the top or bottom of the "New" parent.
@marc4 --I do not have access nor the skill for anything like this. Although, it does sound like a great workaround! Thanks for the suggestion 😊
Aleya Krenek
Education Service Center Region 13
Grants and Contracts Project Coordinator
When a new form submission lands at the bottom of a Smartsheet, provide the option to have it auto indent under the last parent row.
I absolutely love this idea @Kariv . We definitely need to add this one to the roadmap. It is so frustrating when you are depending on SUM(CHILDREN) and a new form submission does not indent to be a child.
This would be extremely helpful!
A simple workaround would be to use a grouped report rather than Sheet hierarchy.
School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)
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