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Rendering Milestone on dashboard

Creating dashboards and image widgets. There is a problem with the widget pulling from the source file.

An example is a dashboard displaying milestones for a project. Milestones are seen as flat parent relationships

The project plan has a typical parent-child structure, but the widget does not render correctly when linked to it via the dashboard. Could not find a solution in the community and discussions.

Ideally, the image widget should display the plan as the project plan sheet does. First choice is to have it display as the source file, in this case the project plan (Project Plan image). Alternatively, the widget could provide an editable version of the plan, allowing for further customization and control. For example, if the project plan sheet includes Parent>Child>Child, the user should be able to adjust or collapse the lowest Child. This is if it is not needed. It would prevent some confusion, especially when the client reviews the dashboard, then the plan or vice versa and has lots of questions because it is different from what they have just seen.

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