amontemayor ✭✭
edited 05/25/23 in Smartsheet Basics

With the recent updates, our spreadsheets have lost the ability to email attachments or files to groups. We can send them to individual users, but the groups that we created with various emails will no longer work. We are getting an error message. The option to email a group still pops up, it just won't email to groups anymore. Anyone else have this issue? Thank you!


  • Hi @amontemayor

    I'm still able to send an attachment to a Smartsheet Group without error; if this is happening for you today, please do reach out to Smartsheet Support with a screen recording showing the steps taken before the error comes up, and the following information:

    • The sheet url / unique sheet name
    • If this is happening on the one sheet or from any/all sheets
    • What browser you're using and if you've tried other browsers
    • If any of your shared users are seeing the same thing



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