Also interested in the solution mentioned by @Andrée Starå. Would you be willing to post it here or email it to me at
I hope you are doing well. Would you mind sharing your form solution with me, I am very curious how you are keeping or retrieving core information, and using conditional logic.
Thank you,
paul e. reeves
Principal Business Analyst
This would be a phenomenal feature for those of us looking to use a Smartsheet for collecting things like purchase orders requests. Currently, our users have to submit a form for each item requested, which is highly tedious when a request needs to be made for several items with the same vendor, project code, requestor name and department, end use, etc. Using a workaround to accommodate multiple items also causes challenges for auto-numbering, as there is no way to create only one ID number for a group of such items.
Fast-track this for Gov use, too, please!
I am also interested in the solution suggested by @AndreeStara. We need a form that has fields for all members of the team who need to review a document, and we need each reviewer to populate as a child line. Is this possible, or could it be considered in the road map. If you have suggestions or need more information please contact me @ Thank you.
This would be a great option. We have providers put in product information,but we'd like to split out each product into a different line w/ the same client infomation, or if they do payment plan, to be able to separate each payment connected to the sale on a different line so payments could be tracked, applied and balanced in the month. Can't wait for this one.
Hello everyone,
It's great to see this feature has been added to the roadmap. In the interim I recorded a video showing how to populate multiple Sheets with a single form entry, hope it helps!
School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)
If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!
This would be a massive feature update! I gave up with using Smartsheets for my solution and moved to MS Forms. Happy to look at this in SS when it comes available.