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Automation Workflows - Alert Someone - Ability to see full distribution list

The Automation Workflow to alert someone when certain actions occur is a wonderful feature. It would be a great enhancement to have the email show everyone who receives the notification. A lot of times, the workflows are setup to alert multiple people, but the email comes through as showing only the recipient. Sometimes people forward the email notifications on to others who may also be setup to receive, creating redundancies and duplicate emails.

The "Send as Attachment" feature is a great example of including the full distribution in the same email. Is it possible to mirror this function in the Automation workflows?

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  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't know if this is workable for you, but if you use a Contact List type of column to tell the automation who to email, and then also include that same Contact List as a field included in the body of the alert email, that could let people know everyone who was emailed?