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Signatures in Forms without the integration with Docusign.

Ability to accept signatures without the integration with Docusign.

13 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • It would be amazing if we could pin comments to the top of the 'comment list' for lack of a better word. For our industry we track additional work requested. We have a form - but our field operations find sometimes its hard to stop mid job to fill one out but if they could go into the comments box to a pinned 'Extras' comment at the top and -edit and add the extra for the day they would find it helpful.

    The other issue with the form for extras is we really need a way for a customer to sign off on the additional work request - Has there been any consideration to adding a sign now option using your finger with the app - like with you make a digital purchase and sign?

    Thank you1

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It would be super helpful to have the ability to capture signatures on forms.

    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Project Manager, GE Aerospace

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!

  • Is there any update on this topic? Hopefully they have workaround.

  • Haven't seen any movement on this signature aspect, but hopefully it's something Smartsheet will consider.

  • ✭✭

    The ability to capture actual signatures, rather than a check-off of Approve/Decline, would be very useful in certain situations (like a certain process I'm trying to set up now).

    Paula L. Fleming, MA, SPHR, PMP

    Senior HR Project and Experience Manager, Kaplan North America

    University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener 🌻

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    This would be very helpful for a lot of scenarios that require a signature (not just a consent checkbox).

    It'd also require a new Column type "Signature" which can either only work from the form or will need some pop-up to sign it.
    (You can't sign a cell with characters or a checkbox, so it'd need to be a new field type with a small picture of the signature embedded in the cell).

  • ✭✭✭✭

    It would be great if a compliant signature/date could be required for any entries in specified column. A compliant text/number column, perhaps.

  • I agree this addition would be very helpful.

  • we use forms in a manufacturing environment and having the ability to sign the form would be really beneficial. Training records, Testing, manufacturing records require signatures.

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