Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Desktop app - open text file attachments

One thing I really miss from the browser experience is being able to view text files attached to a row. PDFs display very nicely in the app with one click, but viewing txt files (which my team uses MUCH more commonly) or Word docs involves an entire process:

1) Click file name in Attachments panel.

2) Go to browser and see page saying I'm not logged in.

3) Log in to open SS in browser.

4) Find row again & open attachment in a new tab.


1) Remember to click on the ... more icon.

2) Select download file.

3) Go to Win Explorer and navigate to Downloads folder.

4) Open text file.

And I usually just need a 5 second peek at the txt/doc so having it take 10x longer to open is really annoying. 😕

2 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • ✭✭✭

    I agree that this is an annoying and time consuming issue that I encounter daily. I would love to see a resolution for this in the Desktop app. The file need not be editable- a view-only option within the app would be a significant improvement.

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