Gantt Timescale Settings Global Option
Problem: Our project has stakeholders who use free accounts and utilise the Gantt view. They can’t edit the view settings so it currently opens for them in 2023 (start date of project) and also does not show the year so it can cause confusion and annoyance. Solution: It would be great to have an option, in the Gantt…
Dynamic View - Conditional Formatting in Blank Cells
Dynamic View seems stumped by blank cells and doesn't properly apply conditional formatting. In the screenshot below, each of the white cells should have a color. As a workaround, we colored the entire column in the source sheet, which seemed to work initially. But then we realized that conditional formatting to change the…
Comment Within a Comment
In larger discussions it is hard to have conversations on a topic that was mentioned within a comment. It would be really helpful (to me at least) if there was an ability to comment on a comment to keep the main thread clean.