SmartSheet security non licensed user w/ personal Smartsheet license


Recently I learned that a non-licensed staff member was able to copy a project sheet, create their own and then delete all of the information in the project account. I learned today that this person purchased a personal Smartsheet license. This allowed him to create new sheets in our business account workspace. This seems like a security issue if non-licensed users are able to circumvent the licensing issue if they are willing to purchase themselves. I looked at the users and now they are not on the account though have been shared workspaces for the past month. They said they used their work email for this (but I know they have multiple emails). He is still on the project and will need to access our workspaces, however, how can I keep him from creating sheets within the business account?

Thank you,


Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I thought you meant they purchased the license on a personal email.

    If they purchased the license on the work email, then the license will need to be removed from the work email account. If they have a license, then they can easily "save as new". With out a license, they cannot "own" Smartsheet items and as such would not be able to make copies of anything.

    The sharing permission restriction will ensure that they are not able to share it to an outside account that has a license and then use that account to create the new copy.
