Add Ons and Integrations

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Datamesh to populate links to sheets

edited 10/04/23 in Add Ons and Integrations


I have a Datamesh that:

  • Reads a row-report gathering several sheets
  • Looks to feed a separate sheet with the link to each of the sheets gathered in the above report.

For that matter I've setup the Datamesh with 'Data Mapping Format' = "Create Cell Links"

This Datamesh has 1 field (in addition to the lookup values): "Sheet name"

However when I run the Datamesh , here is the error message I'm getting (after hitting Submit button):

LE action tracker initial pivot


  • Affected: 0
  • Unaffected: 615
  • Duplicates: 2612
  • Unmatched: 127
  • Formula cells skipped: 0
  • Nonexistent data fields mappings skipped: 0
  • New: 0


1: error code: 1012; message: Required object attribute(s) are missing from your request: cellLink.columnId.

2: error code: 1012; message: Required object attribute(s) are missing from your request: cellLink.columnId.

Could you advise what those error messages are & what should I do to correct this ?

Thanks for your support,



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I got the same message this morning. Timing is interesting. Wondering if there was an update that introduced an issue.

    Smartsheet Solutions Architect

  • Moderator

    Hi @Pierre-Eric Collette,

    This error typically happens when the source of the configuration is a report and the "Data Mapping Format" has been selected to "Create Cell Links". If the column name or column properties within an underlying sheet that feeds into the source report has been updated and does no longer match within the column scope in the report and the Data Fields in the configuration in DataMesh the warning message will be returned. 

    To resolve this, ensure that the Column names and Column properties within the underlying sheets match to correspond with the initial Data Field that was mapped through the Source Report in the DataMesh Config.



  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/10/23

    see Post below

  • Hi Hamza,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I've revisited my Datamesh. Indeed in the meantime I had changed the name of the column in the output sheet.

    I've now corrected this but it seems the error persists.

    See below couple of screenshot that hopefully will help understand what the issue is.

    1. :Datamesh setup:

    Target sheet:

    RUN Config:

    Current Error message:

    Hope this helps

    Thanks for your support,


  • @Pierre-Eric Collette Were you able to find a solution to your issue? I am having the exact same error all of a sudden and cannot find the root cause. Any help is much appreciated!

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