Is it possible to change a cell in a date column using a work flow?

Im also wondering if i can change a dropdown with symbols using a work flow?

Best Answer

  • Hollie205
    Hollie205 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You would need a helper column to change to current date then in the cell you want the actual date to be you would need to use the formula of =[helper column date]@row+7

    For the symbol you would need to do something similar as symbol automation is not currently an option that I am aware of but you can have a helper column change to specific criteria and then set up a formula in your symbol column to reference that cell with an if formula to get the symbol you would like to appear when the cell is changed to the specified criteria


  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Brandon Morales You can use the record a date automation for the date and change a cell automation for the symbols.

  • thanks, this records the current date. is there a way to record the current date plus 7 days?

    Also when i use the change cell automation, my symbol dropdown doesnt appear as an option to change cell:

  • Hollie205
    Hollie205 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You would need a helper column to change to current date then in the cell you want the actual date to be you would need to use the formula of =[helper column date]@row+7

    For the symbol you would need to do something similar as symbol automation is not currently an option that I am aware of but you can have a helper column change to specific criteria and then set up a formula in your symbol column to reference that cell with an if formula to get the symbol you would like to appear when the cell is changed to the specified criteria

  • Ok great, I was thinking something along those lines would need to happen- thank you Holly!