Separate real users from fake users

We have been using Smartsheet for several years and, in the past, project managers used to create fake users in order to be able to assign tasks to external collaborators that do not use the tool.

Fake users have been created with kind of fantasy names and fantasy email addresses, but with our real domain extension ( 

Now I need to be able to separate real users from fake users (and I can't delete the fake ones). The only way I know is to filter by "member status" (all fake users cannot be ACTIVE because the email addresse doesn't exist) but I got some real users that still have to activate their user, so it is always required a manul intervention to get a representative lists.

The question, therefore, is: can I update the email of all the fake users, adding for example a sub domain (

If there's no way to do that, is it possibile to export users with the group they belong to, or similar?



  • Hey @a.antuzzi

    Smartsheet won't be able to tell which of your invited users are "fake" and which are real - that will require some manual intervention from someone who knows the real users.

    That said, yes, you can export a list of your users and then filter that list by their Status. This report is called the User List, see: Admin Center: Manage users, define roles, and more



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  • The question, therefore, is: can I update the email of all the fake users, adding for example a sub domain (

    If there's no way to do that, is it possibile to export users with the group they belong to, or similar?

  • Hi @a.antuzzi

    Since those members did not accept the invite (as they don't exist) then you cannot manage their account. Meaning no, there isn't a way to update their email address. You would need to delete or deactivate that fake account and add a new one with the new domain.

    For Groups, you can view users in a specific Group by going to Group Management.

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