Using links within workflow messages to recipients

This discussion was created from comments split from: Using links within workflow messages to recipients.


  • IB_Smartsheet1
    IB_Smartsheet1 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi All- what is the best way of including a link to a sheet of report in the text body of a workflow alert?

    I am using control center to duplicate this blueprint which will have workflows. i read that hyperlinks are better than urls within a control center blueptin. so have created helper columns with hyperlinks to sheet summary field.

    Am then using {{}} to include this hyperlink in the text body of workflow alert message. this is so that the recepient doesnt get a link to the underlying sheet, so keen to share only the message of the workflow with the hyperlink embedded in the text. However the Hyperlink is appearing as plain text in the alert mesage.

  • Hi @IB_Smartsheet1

    The Body of a workflow can only surface a link as clickable if it's a full URL. Hyperlinks will only show the display text as you've found.

    If the Report you're linking to will be the exact same item that's outside of the blueprint, you could include this URL in the workflow.



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  • IB_Smartsheet1
    IB_Smartsheet1 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P.

    Thank you for your reply. Yes its clear that URLs can be used when the referenced sheet is outside the blueprint. However I had sheet inside the blueprint and was wondering if there was any option of sending only a workflow message without fields, links to the underlying sheet etc. Understand thats not possible. Thanks again.