Allowing Editor Access to Report


Hi all,

From what I can tell, sharing a report with someone and providing editor permissions does not actually allow that person to edit the report unless they have also been allowed editor permissions on the source sheet.

Is there a way around this? Our work desperately relies on having "outsiders" able to edit reports that contain information specific to them, but we do not want to allow editing access to the main source sheets.



  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ka36

    Unfortunately in the core product there isn't an easy way to do that. Dynamic View is a a premium app that solves this challenge well. Or if you are on Enterprise Licenses, WorkApps are even better (which allows people to edit reports without being shared to the sheets within the WorkApp interface.

    The last option, and I don't really recommend this but it could work, would be to replace all the reports with sheets and then do 1 report that is fed from all the sheets. This option only works if the structure and workflow align with the functional limitations of the set up. Maybe give it a try on like 2 or 3 of the sheets/reports and see what it looks like.

    I know that's not what you wanted to hear but I hope it helps in some way.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • ka36
    ka36 ✭✭✭

    @Matt Johnson Thanks for the input! Unfortunately it looks like our plan won't allow WorkApps to be shared with unlicensed users (who we want to have the ability to edit). Bummer.