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Search using wildcard* not locating content in a sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


Today a user asked how to make the searches in a sheet less restrictive. I offered the wildcard as a solution and as we were walking through the search it found 0 results.

Within the sheet I have a column with a customer part numbers including revision example: 111-111111_RevA. I perform a search for the part number 111-111111* because I want to search for the part and find all revisions. Instead, I get 0 results.

 This behavior is 100% not as expected, nor how it works on nearly every program or application in use in decades. If I cannot rely on the built in search then users would have to export and search within other applications (Excel) to perform basic (and reliable) searches adding additional steps to the process.

This seems like a large oversight which makes me believe I am overlooking something. I tried ctrl-F and obtained the same result. 0 results. Anyone have any ideas?





  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/19/17

    if searches are something that are done often, and new information is posted at the bottom of the sheet you might spare the top few rows  to build your own search function using lookup with the left right and/or find functions. Use a box that the part number is indicated in by the customer, then build dependent rows that post the desired information below it. There are some limits to this however. You would need to set aside the same amount of rows as the max number of revisions expected would be the main issue. But it would be much more customer friendly and all they would need to do is post the part number to populate the fields.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The Smartsheet search leaves a lot to be desired. It must be one of my top wish-list items.

    I put 11-111111_RevA into a cell

    (not 111- on purpose)

    Search 1: RevA

    Finds it (and things like "Project Reviews")

    Search 2: RevA*

    Does not find it (or most others)

    Search 3: *RevA

    Finds it and no other. 

    That mostly makes sense. Mostly.

    Search 4: 11*

    Finds it and others. (like "Res 11" which does not match the what I thought I would learn from Search 2)

    and so on.

    It seems to get confused by the dash too.

    I would like to see them fix it.





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