Task Dependencies in Resource Management by Smartsheet

In Resource Management, I have lots of staff on different projects. A member of staff can't start project # 2 until he / she has completed project #1.

So, if I have to adjust the dates for project #1 then project #2 must also move back. (In Smartsheet this would be a FS dependency.)

I know dependencies don't carry across from Smartsheet - and I'm using RM stand alone in any case.

Is there a way to create dependencies in RM - either using built in tools, or a workaround.

As it is, if project #1 slips, I have to change the dates of project #1... and then move the start and end dates of project #2... and then the same again on project #3, #4 etc. This is made worse as you can't move the task directly (e.g., drag the 1 week duration task along the timeline), you have to move the end date, then move the start date - pretty clunky once you're moving an entire chain of tasks along the timeline.

Thanks for any help!


  • Razetto
    Razetto ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @delberto What I would try is the following, I would add a row, the first row in the timeline, to each of my projects; where the date(s) are cell linked to the dependent project. So if project 1 slips then the first row in project 2 will show those new dates and the subsequent rows will adjust as they are dependent.

  • delberto
    delberto ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Razetto, is that in Smartsheet or in Resource Management (10,000ft)?


  • Razetto
    Razetto ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @delberto, you're correct it's in Smartsheet not RM.

  • delberto
    delberto ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Razetto , thanks. Yeah, in RM it doesn't link like that - unless someone has a workaround....

  • Brian_Richardson
    Brian_Richardson Overachievers Alumni

    @delberto I'm assuming you need to shift all the tasks/assignments for the project when a predecessor project shifts, right? Not just the start/end fields?

    If you have access to Smartsheet Bridge, you could probably find a clever way to do this using the RM API. Documentation here: https://10kft.github.io/10kft-api/

    Just brainstorming...I don't have a working solution...but if I was going to approach it I'd do something like:

    1) Setup a custom field in the project profile for "Predecessor Project" and enter the id number of the predecessor.

    2) Setup a custom field in the project profile for "Predecessor End".

    3) Setup a Bridge workflow that reads the list of projects with start/end dates, then uses a child workflow to compare the "Predecessor End" date for a project to the End date for the project identified in "Predecessor Project". If it's the same, no further action. If different, change the "Predecessor End" date to match the current end date for the predecessor project, then change the active project's Start date to match that Predecessor End, then initiate a workflow to update the assignments.

    4) For the assignment update workflow, read the list of assignments, then use a child workflow to update each assignment "Start At" date to be the new start date for the project, based on the predecessor's updated end. This is necessary because the assignments won't automatically move just because you change the project start. At least I don't believe so - you might want to test and see and skip this step if it's not needed.




  • delberto
    delberto ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Brian_Richardson , thanks for the response.

    Bridge - I'm not sure but will investigate.

    Yes, essentially it's a typical predecessor arrangement.