Hidden Fields and Update Requests

Hello! Can someone give me an overview of the most practical application for using a "hidden field" on a form?

I was trying to figure out if this would be helpful when I am trying to gather information from a stakeholder after they filled out "Part I" of the form- which we only ask questions about half the data I want to collect. I want to follow up with them in real time (virtually or over the phone) to gather info for what we could call "Part II" of the form. My goal is to keep all their information on one row so it's attached to the same "entry"

I could send them an update request with just the Part II questions and they could fill it out on their own, but because this would be collecting post-incident data, a real-time conversation is preferred.

Just wondering if there is a more efficient process than me going into the sheet during our conversation and entering the data in each column.



Best Answer

  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I would recommend to have column for each field you are collecting data in your sheet. Than you will create one form collecting the information for Part I of your interview. Than you will create second form for the interview Part II. It can be filled either by you or by the stakeholder.

    Hidden fields can be used when you want to fil in the information to field (e.g. Request status: Part I), but you don°t want the field be visible to the stakeholder.

    Hope this help :)




  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I would recommend to have column for each field you are collecting data in your sheet. Than you will create one form collecting the information for Part I of your interview. Than you will create second form for the interview Part II. It can be filled either by you or by the stakeholder.

    Hidden fields can be used when you want to fil in the information to field (e.g. Request status: Part I), but you don°t want the field be visible to the stakeholder.

    Hope this help :)



  • This could work, to create two forms. However, I would like to link my responses from the Part II form to the original Part I form so they are all on the same row. What are your suggestions for making this happen?

  • Did you get an answer to this question? I'd like to have one single form but only have certain fields show to certain users. The point is to create a version of my form that is used for internal use (with certain fields) and one for external use with other fields without creating two different forms.