Would love to see a feature to remove duplicate rows in a sheet. I have an automated rule setup to move rows into a sheet every day and some of the rows are duplicates. I would like to automate the process of removing those duplicate rows.
have a feature that finds duplicates based upon criteria.
nice to have a feature to flag duplicate values in column
Very useful!!! Should also specify if it is the newer modified or older modified line that is deleted.
That could be set up as a workflow automation set either when the new line "comes in" or on a reoccurring schedule.
Completely agree! I created a Duplicate column and added a formula to identify if there is a duplicate in the origin column. But it can only identify if there is more than one.
As spauliszyn mentioned, I need the ability to identify the older origin and remove all newer - keeping the older/initial origin in tact.
Adding at least a basic remove duplicates command should be easy - it's a basic function in excel. Come on Smartsheet!
Thanks for submitting this idea, I feel like this would be an easy addition for Smartsheet
I would like to see the duplicate lines and decide which to delete. Having the choice between manually choosing and deleting by age of entry would be great to have.
I am joining because I completely agree. This is not a nice to have but should be updated into the software by now as an option. I am getting quite concerned that SmartSheet is not advancing and going to have some very big competition soon if they dont include these types of basic features or allow links to be included in automation emails. 😥
Plus one for being able to filter a column for "is duplicate" — I use this in Excel all the time. Even if it's not a 1-click solution in Excel, it's pretty quick & easy to conditional format the duplicates, then filter by color.