Need a workaround to change the primary column of a sheet

edited 03/13/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I copied a sheet from another workspace into mine and its primary column does not match my others. There doesn't appear to be a way to change the primary column assignment after the fact, so I'm looking for a workaround solution.

Can I export/import and change the primary column that way? I have attachments and comments I worry about losing as a result.



  • Marlana K.
    Marlana K. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/13/24


    It is a pain when this happens but here is what I have done in the past:

    1. Create a new column next to primary column (Name it the same with (non primary) ex Column Name (non primary)
    2. Drag all the populated cells to this column
    3. If you already have a column in the Sheet that is what you want to be the primary rename it Column name (old), drag all the information from that column into the Primary Column and Change the name now to what it needs to be.
    4. Delete the Column Name (old)
    5. Rename the Column Name (non primary)

    If you get stuck feel fee to email me at


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare