Form Submission Restriction based on date lead time


Hi there!!

I am working with a form that we'd like to put a restriction on if a date selected is within a certain time frame. Example - We're putting in place a minimum of 7days lead time for requests to be satisfied and would like the form to be unsubmittable until that requirement is met. I don't see a way to do this through logic or settings but I am new to smartsheet and may very well be missing something! Looking forward to whatever answer comes my way! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

Best Answer

  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    You can`t limit value of the field content in the form. However, you can include logic/ trigger to this case. For example you can define that if someone choose date outside the limit it will show some field with email/ phone number to to submit with explanation of some approval, ..

    You can set it up:

    Hope this help.




  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    You can`t limit value of the field content in the form. However, you can include logic/ trigger to this case. For example you can define that if someone choose date outside the limit it will show some field with email/ phone number to to submit with explanation of some approval, ..

    You can set it up:

    Hope this help.



  • CCatAz
    CCatAz ✭✭

    This worked and I was able to add a few steps afterwards asking for explanations! THANK YOU!!!!