Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Automate Trigger Slack DM's based on assignee email addresses in Smartsheet

It would be phenomenal if we could trigger messages to DM's or Ephemereal messages from Slackbot or the Smartsheet Slack App using some connection between the user's email in Smartsheet and the same email in Slack. This would allow users to be notified individually of changes or needs without having to alert the whole channel in Slack.

5 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • Community Champion

    @Andrée Starå @Paul Newcome

    Another slack suggestion. Thoughts or ideas?

  • ✭✭

    It would be nice if I could push a request for update to a team member directly to them in a Slack Direct Message rather than in a group Slack Channel.

    For example, if I want Team Member A to change the Status on their task or add a comment, it would be cool if that request went directly from Smartsheet into a direct message in Slack to Team Member A, and Team Member A could add a comment and/or change the Status within Slack and ha e that update automatically push to the Smartsheet.

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