Because there is no way to delete DataTable entries from a Data Shuttle workflow, I have to abandon the use of DataTable. Because I am unable to delete entries via Data Shuttle, DataTable connections have been pushing out of date and incorrect information to my sheets. I am hoping the DataTable and Data Shuttle product teams will invest some improvements in this area, because this significantly reduces the effectiveness of what could be a very good tool. But we can't have incorrect data pushed into our sheets with no effective way to remove outdated entries.
I am hoping for the same options that work with other Data Shuttle workflows
YES!!!! This was probably the first request I submitted for DataTable and it's frustrating that we're still waiting...
Yes, please! We need the ability to automatically remove bad data from DataTable.
My workaround is to put a "Record date" field on each record in the source. I use the DataTable connection filter to only include records with a "Record date" field = to the update frequency of the data.
For example:
- if the data refreshes daily, the DataTable connection filters records with a "Record date" = today or yesterday.
- if data refreshes every 3 days, the DataTable connection filters records with a "Record date" = 3 days ago or 4 days ago
Including one additional day reduces data accuracy but ensures date mismatches between Smartsheet and the data source don't remove data.