Starting with a Sheet, that Now needs to be a Gantt - how does one get roll-up summary info

GarryD2 ✭✭✭
edited 04/24/24 in Smartsheet Basics

We started with what we thought was going to be a simple sheet that has grown and now had Target Start and Target End date columns. Now we look at is as a Gantt (again not started as a Gantt sheet)

So we made parent and child rows, have the settings in Gantt view looking at these date columns. However, if you indent/make a child, the parent row does not populate the roll up data such as the dates. Is there a way to add this or any needed column to perform this now that we are needing to look at it as a Gantt chart with parent and child rows?

We currently do not have a duration and predecessor/successor columns.
