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API Backup Python Project

Hello there,


Currently I'm Trying to do a Python API to backup my company data on smartsheet. I know that there is a Java API but i want to put the script on aws so python is extremely recommended.

I found some stuff like that :

token = ' '

ss = smarsheet.Smartsheet(token)

# I Would like to backup all the file with the structure but i don't how to do that

lstfolder = ss.Home.list_folders()

action = lstfolder.data

for i in action:

     print(i.name) # with that i can have the name of the folder to recreate with os.mkdir


I don't know if there is an easier way to backup with python, I don't know how to get the path and keep the same structure as smartsheet view.


thanks for the help. I'm up to give more information about what i exactly need to do.





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