Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Why am I receiving this error: " refused to connect"?

edited 05/07/24 in Smartsheet Basics


I am having an issue with embedding a Smartsheet Calendar to Sharepoint. I know it is possible because the exact thing has been done before on our team's Sharepoint. The individual who created the original Smartsheet calendar is no longer with the company. This caused a bunch of access issues leading me to create a copy of the old calendar with the exact same settings. Luckily, I ended up getting all the information in the calendar back. There are no issues with embedding a calendar on a Smartsheet dashboard as a Web Content widget (CalendarDashboard.jpg), but when I try to embed the dashboard to Sharepoint, I receive the error: " refused to connect" (SharepointIssue.png). I attached my calendar sharing settings as well (calendarsharing.jpg). How can I get past this issue, and continue posting embedded Smartsheet calendars to Sharepoint?

Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    I figured out what I was doing wrong. The Smartsheet dashboard that has the calendar web content on it was shared and embedded correctly. However, when I added the calendar web content to the dashboard, I used the wrong URL. I added the content using the "Share Via Link" option rather than the "Publish Via Link" option. It is odd though that the dashboard still showed the calendar even though I picked the wrong option.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JS83 Hello, I ran across another post about this same situation:

    Embed Calendar App in Sharepoint

    The original poster did not confirm whether the solution worked, but perhaps it will help you?

  • Answer ✓

    I figured out what I was doing wrong. The Smartsheet dashboard that has the calendar web content on it was shared and embedded correctly. However, when I added the calendar web content to the dashboard, I used the wrong URL. I added the content using the "Share Via Link" option rather than the "Publish Via Link" option. It is odd though that the dashboard still showed the calendar even though I picked the wrong option.

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