Data Shuttle Errors

Mike TV
Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Over the last 4 weeks or so, I've been receiving emails that my Data Shuttle workflows are failing. The errors listed are "Workflow Execute: [object Object]", "Workflow Execute: Request failed with status code 403". I think the ones failing are Offload workflows, for the most part.

They're set to run every 15mins, I think. I ignore the failures because they'll work just fine the next attempt usually and then fail again once randomly in a couple days again.

Anyone else or is this just me?

Best Answers

  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    No errors in our environment. We run a bunch of shuttles every 15 minutes and everything is fine.

  • HR_Training
    Answer ✓

    We have also been receiving the same error messages. The first couple of weeks, it seemed to happen mostly on the weekends. Now, we're getting at least 1-2 of these errors most days. Like you said, I haven't worried too much because the error happens once, then runs correctly the next time. But it would be nice to know why the failures are happening in the first place.


  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    No errors in our environment. We run a bunch of shuttles every 15 minutes and everything is fine.

  • HR_Training
    Answer ✓

    We have also been receiving the same error messages. The first couple of weeks, it seemed to happen mostly on the weekends. Now, we're getting at least 1-2 of these errors most days. Like you said, I haven't worried too much because the error happens once, then runs correctly the next time. But it would be nice to know why the failures are happening in the first place.

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the feedback. Glad to know it's not happening to everyone but also glad to know we're not the only ones.

    One thing I believe I understand about the Data Shuttle workflows is that if you schedule quite a few of them to run every 15mins during work hours, one or two will trigger and the rest will wait to trigger until the first ones have completed. This can make it look like your workflows aren't triggering on time when they're just waiting in a queue.

    I think this virtual queue could be having issues when you have too many workflows waiting in it. I'm just guessing but I'd bet James Keuning doesn't have close to 10 Offload workflows triggering every 15mins during work hours but maybe HR_Training does which is why one is seeing the problem and the other is not.

    Either way, glad they work usually on the next round of triggers so it doesn't affect our sheets too badly.