Triggering User when multiple automations are set up

edited 05/08/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Not sure if this is a question or a bug report - I have a sheet that is set up with an intake form. Users have to be logged on the system in order to submit a form. I had an automation set up to notify a set of contact when new submissions were added, with "Send from Triggering User" option enabled. All was working fine. My boss, who was one of the contacts, asked to get a different version of the notification that included more details contained within their notification. I set up a a separate notification for them, and also enabled "Send from Triggering User." The first batch of people get an email showing the name of the submitter. My boss gets an email showing my name, as the sheet owner. Is this an order of operations thing within automations? ie. because it is the second action, "triggering user" is changed somehow? Why can't both be from the triggering user? Also, would be great if you could have more flexibility in who the message comes from beyond just "SmartSheet Automation" or "Triggering User" (which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't…)

Best Answer

  • J_B
    Answer ✓

    No, it's not batched in any way, and it is supposed to be triggered by a new row being added. However the first notification, which is also triggered by a new row, has a second action that changes one of the fields to "NEW," so I think that change to the row is my culprit. I instead added the second notification as a second action within the first notification's workflow (and prior to marking the one field as "NEW"), so problem solved! :)
