Can I create an email notification to be sent 2 weeks after a task has been created?

I am very new to Smartsheet and created a sheet to manage tasks, I would like to be notified 2 weeks after a task is created to follow back up on it, if it hasn't been resolved. Is there a way to do this? One of my columns is a date that the task was created.

Best Answer

  • Anna PRIE
    Anna PRIE ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Yes it is possible. When you open your sheet, you can go in the automation section at the very top (just next to the "file" tab).

    Then you can click on "Create Workflow from Scratch". You will then have this window appear:

    In the Trigger section select "When a date is reached" and select "Date Field". The automation will do something when a date from a column on the sheet is reached. So you need to add another column on your sheet (which you can hide if you don't want to see it). As you already have a column with the date created just add another column titled "Alert" in which you calculate the date 2 weeks after the day created (=[Created Date@row] + 14) will give you the exact day you need for the notification.

    the following automation prompt should work to send a notification 2 weeks after the date created to all the people who have access to the sheet:

    If you rather send the notification only to specific people, you can modify that in the "Alert someone" section. You can also choose the specific time at which the notification is sent out in the "Trigger" section.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,



  • Anna PRIE
    Anna PRIE ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Yes it is possible. When you open your sheet, you can go in the automation section at the very top (just next to the "file" tab).

    Then you can click on "Create Workflow from Scratch". You will then have this window appear:

    In the Trigger section select "When a date is reached" and select "Date Field". The automation will do something when a date from a column on the sheet is reached. So you need to add another column on your sheet (which you can hide if you don't want to see it). As you already have a column with the date created just add another column titled "Alert" in which you calculate the date 2 weeks after the day created (=[Created Date@row] + 14) will give you the exact day you need for the notification.

    the following automation prompt should work to send a notification 2 weeks after the date created to all the people who have access to the sheet:

    If you rather send the notification only to specific people, you can modify that in the "Alert someone" section. You can also choose the specific time at which the notification is sent out in the "Trigger" section.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,


  • This was very helpful! Thank you