What's the best way to have several photo upload sections in smartsheet?

I've been asked by our superintendent if Smartsheet is capable of having a form with the below information:

  • Supplier Invoice
  • Picking List Number
  • Container Open Door Photo
  • Container Number Photo
  • Seal Number Photo

What is the best way to capture this information in a sheet/form?

Thanks in advance :-)


  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could build a form. But be aware that you can have multiple file upload objects in a form, but they wont map to columns, they will all appear as row attachments in the primary sheet.

  • mreynolds66
    mreynolds66 ✭✭✭

    I personally would do create a new grid, then within the grid you can create a form. Enter each of those topics as a new field. You can also add a "file upload" to the form from the form elements section. This would allow the users to take pictures and upload them directly to the form.

    If you are needing help with how to get all that started, let me know and I can make a step by step for you!

    Thank you,

    Mitchell Reynolds

  • Hi Mitchell,

    We need to batch select photos in our inspection form on our phone while on site, which then needs to input into the smartsheet, one in each column because then the information from the smartsheet once generated goes to a another page which collects all the data and inputs all the information collected on one page and the photos on the next page. At the moment we are uploading 1 at a time which is taking too long on site. Would what your talking about work for us?