Sheet Access Report disappeared from User Management

Jenni ✭✭✭✭

In my System Admin portal I used to have an option in User Management to run a Sheet Access Report. (to clarify, this report shows all the workspaces in our Plan, who the owner is, and lists the assets in each workspace). That option has now disappeared form the menu. Any suggestions as to how to run this report? And info on what happened with the other options I used to have in this menu list? We're on an Enterprise Plan. Thanks :-)

Best Answer

  • Jenni
    Jenni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update - I logged a ticket with Support. I had disabled the ability to upload attachments in the Sys Admin settings. This (for some reason) then restricts the ability to run these extra reports.

    My solution - enable attachment uploads temporarily, run the reports, then disable attachment uploads again.


  • Pauline J
    Pauline J ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/31/24

    @Jenni Good morning — I just now ran that exact report.

    The path I used is the same, but I have a lot more options in under More Actions. I would recommend reaching out to Smartsheet support; below is a screenshot of what I see.

    Admin / User Management / More Actions / Sheet Access

  • Jenni
    Jenni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Pauline J . It's helpful to know that it should be there 😀👍️

  • Jenni
    Jenni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update - I logged a ticket with Support. I had disabled the ability to upload attachments in the Sys Admin settings. This (for some reason) then restricts the ability to run these extra reports.

    My solution - enable attachment uploads temporarily, run the reports, then disable attachment uploads again.