Convert a row attachment from jpeg to pdf

We are putting together a credit card receipt tracker in smartsheets. I have a simple form that asks for 4 fields of information and then a document upload. The employee would fill out the form and snap a picture of the receipt to upload to the form. The file comes through as a jpeg using an iphone and selecting the take photo button on the form submission. I am trying to find the best way to convert that file into a pdf.
Big picture: I need the file to be a pdf so that I can send that row and attachment through an automation to our ChatGPT OCR engine, this extracts data out of the pdf automatically and sends it back into smartsheets into the appropriate columns/cells, (ie. Date, transaction amount, and last 4 of credit card) for further processing/matching to credit card statement.
I know the simple answer would be to have the employee save the receipt as a pdf and then upload it but trying to keep this as 1 step for them to ensure they use it.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.
