Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Automation copying values from other cells

Is there a way to create an Automation that when some criteria is satisfied (like status is In progress) and I update one field with the data from another field in the same row?

let me explain, I want to automate the % Completion bar progress with the actual % based on the time consuming at today's date. So every day, or when I run the automation, it will update the In progress % Completion field until it reaches 100%



  • Community Champion

    Hello @rbarlotti,

    It sounds like you are asking if you can have one cell take on the value of another cell whenever a trigger condition is met. Specifically, I ascertain you have a % Complete column and an Actual % column and that you want % Complete to have the same value as Actual %.

    If you are using Project Settings than % Complete cannot be automated in this fashion. If you are not, than you can use a formula to do this and set % Complete equal to Actual %.

    I'm not sure I'm completely understanding your question though.

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Can I run a formula in the Automation Template?

    On my case, I have created a column with a formula that calculates what would be the % Completion as of today's date. So what would the automation do, is to take this calculated theoretical % and copy to the % Complete column. Today I do all these manually. My tasks are time based, so long ones and if I miss any line. if will not show the proper time progress.

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