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Linking a drop down cell to the workflow


I have a drop down status cell on my customer sheet. I would like the info in this cell to be linked to the Workflow sheet in the status cell for each customer.  I have tried to go to the Workflow status cell for a customer and link in from the customer sheet, this works and when the customer sheet status cell is changed then the workflow sheet is updated. The problem is the links I create on the Workflow sheet will disappear a short time after created.

I have this cell set up in the workflow as bidirectional. I would like the info in the status field in Salesforce to flow in to Smartsheet, then when that cell is changed in Smartsheet I would like the field in Salesforce to be updated.

This all works with the way I am linking, but as I said the links quickly disappear from the Workflow sheet.

Any suggestions?


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Shawn,

    Are you using the Smartsheet for Salesforce integration, as well as Smartsheet's cell linking functionality?

    When a workflow updates rows in a sheet, it overrides them with the information it gets from Salesforce, including the cell links.

    You might want to create an additional workflow that updates your customer sheet from your status field in Salesforce as opposed to cell linking from one sheet to another.

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