Smartsheet automation I separate emails to the same user

Hello, I have a worksheet with in which I use to send emails to an automated ticket creation email for my company. The email is only able to create tickets for one request at a time but I noticed that smartsheet is grouping all of the requests within one email to send. Every single row within my sheet needs to be sent to this ticket creation email and I need it to send a separate email for each row. Is this possible?



  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @kziegler,

    Can you take a screenshot of how your automation is configured? I would start by making sure your Run Workflow condition is When Triggered

    Note this will not be foolproof though - If multiple rows are triggered at once they will be sent together. It would help to know how the Sheet is populated. If rows always come in individually you may be able to use a Trigger of When rows are added.

    You could also put in a trigger that is manual so that you can active that trigger, save the Sheet and repeat, to only send them one at a time.

    Depending on your exact situation this could get a little tricky.

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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