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Checklist tool in the toolbar on the right


Smartsheet is nice for task management and project management. The challenge is when task management and project management intermingles. That is, a larger task is allocated to one person, but need to be divided into several steps or sub-items. If this is done as spearate rows in smartsheet i creates chaos in the allocation. E.g. you as a manager allocates a person to "mechanical design of x". The persons being assigned to the taks, might need to divide the design into lots of smaller parts. If added as indented rows, it means you get x number of allocations on a nearly hourly basis.
Why not keep the overall allocation as a row, and allow the person allocated to the task to divide the task into substep via a checklist that can be worked with in the right-most toolbar in the same way as comments. See illustration below. One can imagine adding two (or more) types of items in this tool:

  • Ordered list ( subtasks in a defined order)
  • Checklists.

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