Cannot find sheet for copy automation


I have three sheets that I am trying to get to copy to each other for bidding. I have made this automation for multiple other projects in the past. When I go to find the sheet that I am trying to copy to, it is saying no results found. I am an admin on all sheets that I am trying to use. I have copied and pasted the entire sheet name as well as parts of the full name (which shows me other sheets but not the ones I need). Has something changed and I am missing a step?


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @adegeus101536,

    Are you sure you're not inadvertently looking for the sheet you're already in? If you have Admin access, you should have no problem accessing the sheet for automation.

  • adegeus101536
    adegeus101536 ✭✭✭
    edited 07/03/24

    Hi @Ray Lindstrom- Yes I am sure I am not in the same sheet. I can highlight the rows and copy them to the sheets I need via the copy to sheet function when I right click them but I cannot get the automation to find the sheet I need. I tried restarting my computer to see if that worked as well as waiting a few hours before trying again in case something was lagging. I can't cell link between the sheets either which was going to be a potential work around.