Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Rich Text Formatting in Automations & Forms

Having the ability to do Bullets, Bold text and basic Rich Text Formatting would be a lovely addition to the product.
I know I have plenty of need for it, and sure others do as well.

16 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • I agree completely. The basic text that is allowed in automated emails, and update requests is very antiquated. We need the ability to embed hyperlink into the email text instead of copying a huge URL we want them directed to. Also, the bullets/numbering option is important when our automated email reminder is providing them with instructions on what we want from them, training purposes for new users not familiar with a process, outside vendors, etc. It's very disappointing that Rich Text or HTML formatting is not available in the auto emails. If anyone knows how to do this it would be very helpful. also, is there a way for the auto email to direct the user to the Dynamic View you have created instead of the master sheet?

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