Workflow owner has been deleted

We had a user who ran our Salesforce Integration between SmartSheets and Salesforce. He had exited the company and the team over SmartSheets deleted his user. You can 'see' the workflows that were in his name that now say "missing owner". Is there any way to reassign? If we have to recreate the workflow is there any way we can "see" the workflows configuration that this user had built as a template we can use to clone?


  • Good Afternoon, For Salesforce integrations with Smartsheet, the challenge with "missing owner" workflows becomes a bit more complex since it involves third-party integration settings. Here's how you can handle this situation:

    Reassigning Salesforce Integration Workflows

    1. Check Integration Settings:
      • Access the Smartsheet-Salesforce Connector settings.
      • Identify any workflows or integration settings that have the "missing owner" status.
    2. Reassign Integration Ownership:
      • If possible, update the integration settings to assign a new owner within the Salesforce Connector. This typically requires admin privileges in both Salesforce and Smartsheet.

    Viewing and Recreating Workflows

    Since direct reassignment may not be possible, you need to document and recreate the workflows:

    1. Access the Salesforce Connector:
      • Log in to the Salesforce Connector with administrative access.
      • Navigate to the integration settings or workflows created by the previous user.
    2. Document Integration Workflows:
      • Document the configuration of each workflow, including:
        • Triggers (e.g., Salesforce events that trigger the workflow)
        • Mappings (e.g., data fields mapped between Salesforce and Smartsheet)
        • Actions (e.g., what actions are taken in Smartsheet when the workflow is triggered)

    Steps to Document and Recreate Workflows:

    1. Open Workflow Details:
      • In the Salesforce Connector, find the specific workflow.
      • Click to view the details of the workflow configuration.
    2. Take Detailed Notes:
      • Note down all the settings and steps involved in each workflow.
      • Take screenshots or export settings if the tool allows.
    3. Recreate the Workflow:
      • Using the documented information, set up a new workflow in the Salesforce Connector under a new user.

    Hope this helps!