Dynamic View Issue

Bobbi Marchuk
Bobbi Marchuk ✭✭
edited 08/08/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

My company uses Dynamic View to provide information to our field sales reps. When they receive a Dynamic View link, they know to use the Sign in with Microsoft button, and once they click that, they are then automatically taken directly to the Dynamic View contained in the link. However, this past Friday (8/2/24), a link was sent, and instead of being directed to the data in the Dynamic View, reps were taken to the main Smartsheet page. It's like the site forgot to redirect them to the Dynamic View once they logged in. To confirm, I do have the sheet shared to anyone with my company's email domain, but they're not getting to Dynamic View at all. Any thoughts as to what could be causing this?

Thank you!

