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Add RM Project Custom Field Values to Timesheet Display

User Story:

As a project team member, I want to be able to quickly identify and select the correct RM project name displayed on the timesheet, so that hours entered will be accurate.

Problem Trying to Solve:

Project team members cannot differentiate projects with identical names to select for time entry. The link to the Brief screen where additional identifying information from Project Custom Fields is displayed requires time consuming navigation and must be repeated for every new entry otherwise dependent on the fallibility of memory. Control Center has character amount and naming convention limits not allowing for a greater level of detail in the project name.

Business Requirement:

The company must bill accurate hours to the correct customer while not losing valuable labor time by project team members selecting the correct project record.

Functional Requirements:

(1) The RM timesheet shall display information that differentiates between projects with the same project names displayed for the same week.

(2) The RM timesheet information that differentiates projects with the same name shall allow for expanding detail when the volume of active projects exceeds the limits of the Smartsheet naming convention created by Control Center.

(3) The RM timesheet shall allow the project team member to display or hide the additional information on demand.

Design Proposal:

(1) On the RM timesheet, display the Project Custom Fields values below the project name.

(2) Add the Project Custom Fields display to the existing Expand All / Collapse All functionality so that the field values can be displayed or hidden for all project name rows.

(3) Add the Project Custom Fields display to the existing click on project name functionality so that field values can be displayed or hidden for individual rows.

(4) In the Project Custom Fields table, add a checkbox to the "How is this field used?" display and functionality so that the customer defines which fields to include for display on the timesheet. The checkbox label shall state, "Show on timesheet." The RM timesheet will only display field values checked in the Project Custom Fields table.

(5) Screen design image attached.

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