Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Search bar should be at top of page not hidden



  • edited 08/29/24


    Estemum Kamal Lithia

    Automation Analyst

  • ✭✭✭

    As someone already mentioned, you can use Control + F but that will default to searching only the sheet you are currently on. That is also of no help when you work in an office full of boomers who've never used a keyboard shortcut in their life, never will and constantly complain when something is changed.

  • Day 2 of leaving a comment here in an attempt to return the search bar to it's rightful home. As everyone else here has mentioned the change that has been made Decreases workflow and efficiency. Which if you are in a work setting which most of us are, is paramount over aesthetics. The bar needs to be on every sheets to quickly and easily navigate to where we need to be in smartsheets. And also I might be on an island with this thought but the search having cookie memory is also horribly inefficient because I now have to delete that last thing I was searching for to start searching for my current task. Please Fix this ASAP.

  • I wanted to share my feedback regarding the recent change that moved the search bar off the main page and into the side menu. Unfortunately, this adjustment has had a negative impact on my productivity.

    Previously, having the search bar readily accessible on the main page allowed for quick and efficient navigation. Now, with the search function hidden in the side menu, I find that I have to take additional steps to access it, which disrupts my workflow. These extra clicks might seem minimal, but they add up over time, making the user experience less seamless and more cumbersome.

    I hope you will consider returning the search bar to its original, more accessible location or finding a way to streamline the process so that users can continue to work efficiently.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  • This content has been removed.
  • ✭✭✭

    What do you use more to navigate pages on the internet? Your keyboard or mouse?

  • Search bar should be at top of page not hidden

    I agree! Please return the search function to the screen's top right navigation. This recent change decreases Smartsheet efficiency and ease of use for me – dozens of times each day.

  • As you write in the content of the Learning Plattform:

    Sich in Smartsheet zurechtfinden | Smartsheet-Hilfeartikel

    You find the search box in the top right corner, easy to use.

    I am a fan to keep "easy to use" things. Now you have to search left, click two times. To change without announcement is the second horrible thing. I search in all settings and functions to find my search box again. And then i rise a ticket after have to creating an free trial account becasue you can't do it without.

    Make things easier not more complicated.

    thanks to bring us our search box on the top right back.



  • ✭✭✭

    Yet another example of "IT people" who don't use a product telling us how to use the product and that we ought to like their changes as they improved our lives. No, sir/ma'am, you did not. Now put it back or we, as I said, can go to Google sheets which is FREEEEEE. 🤨

  • ✭✭
    edited 09/03/24

    Whoops, I thought my searching brought up different results, didn't realize I was commenting on the same post. My apologies.

  • ✭✭

    Agreed! This is a terrible change made, as is the fact that everytime you now go to the search bar, it holds onto your previous search. This means we also have to manually clear out the field before we can search again. A search bar should always be blank and ready for us to use. It needs to auto clear after every search submitted.

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