Forumla to checkbox if Parent Row

Hi All,

I have a grid which will be used as a timeline function for market planning.

I want to only see the parent rows on the timeline so I have tried to set up a formula to checkbox if parent row and filter the timeline that way.

I've tried =IF(COUNT(PARENT(Task@row)) > 0, 1) that formula only checks chlid rows.

I've tried =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(Task@row)) > 0, 1) that formula only checks a parent row which has child rows.

Can anyone help with this?

Best Answer

  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion
    edited 08/28/24 Answer ✓

    Hello @Lisa B 2022,

    One option that might help you could be to you set up a levels column to COUNT the ANCESTORS under each row.

    You could then have a IF statement to check boxes IF the level@row equals "0" (or the level you would like checked.)

    I have a made a quick demo below.

    Level Column


    Parent Row Column

    =IF(Level@row = 0, 1, 0)

    I hope that is helpful to you in someway,



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