How can I add a widget to show overall project health, pulling data from a Master Timeline?


I am trying to add a widget to my dashboard to show the overall Health of a project. I already have a health column in the sheet I will be referencing, and I have added a chart to the dashboard showing the individual tasks and their Health, but I want to add a widget (please see below what I am looking for) based on the average colour/health of the entire project.

Here is a screenshot of the sheet I will be referencing, with the health column:

Here is what I am looking to achieve on the dashboard:

When I try to use the widget above (from a Project Plan template) but try to change the data source to my sheet, this is what it shows: (Phase - no colored Circle)

Any help will be greatly appreciated! I am VERY new to smartsheets and still learning, so I'm sure I must have missed a step, or am using the wrong actions?

Thank you!


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @MaryaZ

    If the value you need is under Health column for row# 6, which I assume is your overall project health, you can select the Metric widget type and when you add data to the widget, just select the cell in row#6 in the Health column to get the symbol.


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445
