Sharing Report

Good Morning,

Wanted to see if someone knew the best way to share a single report to an individual. For some reason when I attempt to share to individuals they normally respond that they are denied access due to permission. I have published the item and sent the published link to them with the box selected that indicates Persons Shared to this Item. Is there a step missing from this process. I hope someone can help as I really need to share the report information without giving access to the entire workspace.


  • SSFeatures
    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi RJT,

    Are the individuals on the same SmartSheet plan as the data that you're publishing? Which Access Control option did you select when publishing? Did you select "Available to anyone with the link", "Only available to users on the same SmartSheet plan as this item", or "Only available to users who are shared to the item"?

    SSFeatures - The browser extension that adds more features into SmartSheet.

    • Automatic sorting, sorting with filters, saving sort settings
    • Spell checking
    • Report PDF generator that supports grouped and summarized reports

  • RJT
    RJT ✭✭✭

    Selected Only Available to users who are shared to the item. The individuals who are getting the share do not have a smartsheet license.