Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Sending to contacts in a cell - How to limit who is contacted

I have an automated workflow that triggers an approval request once a form is submitted. The workflow is set up to alert contacts in a cell when the request is submitted. The contact list that would be alerted is the request approver. The approver is just one person from a list of approvers; I have another workflow set up to add the correct approver depending on location.

My question is this: if the workflow sends the alerts to "contacts" in a cell, is that going to send the alert to any and every approver in the contact list? Will it just send to the approver that is listed in that specific cell?

I have the same issue regarding another workflow as well. That workflow sends an alert to contacts in a cell when the request is approved. I have it set currently to send to contacts in a cell > employee email. When this workflow is triggered, will it send an alert to anyone who has their email included in the employee email column of the entire sheet, or will it just send the alert to the employee email column for the row which triggered the workflow? I need it to only send to that specific person.

This question was asked in this thread but I don't follow what the answer is explaining:

Send to Contacts in a cell VS Send to Specific People


  • Community Champion

    Hi @tklinker

    Workflows will get initiated when the specified trigger hits and go through based on the conditions listed to an action. Automation will complete the workflow only for rows where the trigger and conditions apply to complete the action. Choosing the right trigger and condition(s) will help in ensuring only the right people get the approval requests. It doesn't send to all contacts in the rows of your sheet, but only to the ones where the trigger and condition is satisfied.


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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