Auto desk integration with smartsheet

Hi Everyone

I have a building contractor who uses auto desk to communicate its current state in the builds my company has contracted out. When I copy and paste directly from auto desk all of the columns are pasted as rows so I would have to go in and copy and paste each cell individually which is non value added in my eyes. I had read there is a way for smartsheet and auto desk to talk. If the ownership of auto desk is my contractor and smartsheet is owned by me, can I get them to talk?


Best Answer

  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @TracyLAshton,

    It looks like there’s an integration for connecting Autodesk and Smartsheet - take a look here. As this integration is not built by Smartsheet, I’d recommend filling in the form at the link provided to find out more about it. 

    Alternatively, if you’re able to export data from Autodesk as a .csv or .xlsx file and you have access to our premium app, Data Shuttle, you could use Data Shuttle to upload data from Autodesk into Smartsheet.

    Hope that helps!



  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @TracyLAshton,

    It looks like there’s an integration for connecting Autodesk and Smartsheet - take a look here. As this integration is not built by Smartsheet, I’d recommend filling in the form at the link provided to find out more about it. 

    Alternatively, if you’re able to export data from Autodesk as a .csv or .xlsx file and you have access to our premium app, Data Shuttle, you could use Data Shuttle to upload data from Autodesk into Smartsheet.

    Hope that helps!


  • Thank you @Georgie for your help while I figure this out.

  • Brian_Richardson
    Brian_Richardson Overachievers Alumni

    @TracyLAshton I see you tagged this with Bridge. Bridge can connect many systems, however it doesnt support Oauth natively and I see the Autodesk API requires Oauth authentication. So, if you want to leverage a Smartsheet developed tool for this, then you'll need to have your account rep connect you with the Technical Solutions Engineer group in Smartsheet, who can develop custom connector code for Bridge, or standalone connectors, for your specific needs.