Dynamic Unique List?

Is there a formula or work around to return a dynamic list of unique values from one sheet to another? I'm attempting to create a "Count" of projects by project manager from a project intake sheet. I'd like the report or sheet to dynamically update if a new hire PM is added to a project on the project intake sheet.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @BlinkJWR

    Depending how your data in your sheet is arranged, you may be able to create a Row Report that summarizes the data for you. You can GROUP by project manager name, and SUMMARIZE. This will give you an up to date, dynamic, evergreen list.

    This link may be helpful. Shout out to me if you need instruction - a screenshot of your data (no sensitive data) is always helpful.



  • @Kelly Moore - appreciate your feedback. I've tried to do it this way. However, When I select the "Assigned PM" column to bring it into my row report, and then go to the Group option, the Assigned PM column which is what I want to group is not an option.

    Also, I would not be able to reference the grouped data for use in a Dashboard chart, correct?

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @BlinkJWR

    Is your Assigned PM column a multiselect column? If it is, does it have to be? Trying to do any data analysis with a multiselect column will become extremely difficult - and I'm not just referring to building a report.

    Reports can be used as source data for charts


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