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How do I archive a folder using a date.

Hello everyone!

I am trying to do a mass end of year achieving. In this I want to achieve everything that has a project status or activity set to "Closed", everything that has a health of "Blue" (Means close at my company), and has a date of 2024.

The issue I'm having is that I am unable to get the Date Closed to work. I use contain and 2024 (or 24) to try to get it all of 2024's closed projects closed.

This column in the IT Project Portfolio Sheet is a date column.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work? I'd love for this to be the way for me to do my archiving yearly.


  • ✭✭✭✭

    I have not used the control center folder archive function before, but since you are filtering by a date column I would suggest trying Date Closed is greater than 12/31/2023 or greater than or equal to 1/1/2024. If you plan to archive anything after this year ends, then an additional filter for less than 1/1/2025 would need to be added. Again, I haven't used it before, so if anyone else has more insight feel free to add on.

    Renée Roberge

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