How do I copy value only from cell formula to use outside smartsheet

Here is my dilemma. I have to create a cell that takes the results from other cells in the same row and formats all of it into a single text string. This is so that other team members can take the resulting string of text and paste it outside of smartsheet. However, when I go to copy the result, it only copies the formula and not the needed value/result of the formula. Im trying to keep this as simple as possible for other team members to use and dont want them to use the manual "paste special option" to another cell. As i want to minimize confusion and make a simple copy/paste option for my team. is there a way to automate a copy/"paste special" from one cell to another cell in the same sheet. any help is appreciated.



  • dojones
    dojones ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm assuming that you have a cell that combines multiple cells into a string such as

    =[Column2]@row + [Column3]@row + [Column4]@row

    When this cell is copied within Smartsheet, it pastes it as a formula. If you want to get around this within Smartsheet, you need to use Automation to copy the cell to a different sheet. When automation copies to another sheet, it will paste values automatically. If you want it to end in the same sheet, you can copy from 1st sheet to 2nd sheet (converts from formula to text), then use a 2nd automation to copy back to the 1st sheet into another field.

    If you are trying to copy a cell with a formula and paste into another program (such as Excel), when using right-click copy, it will paste the formula unless you paste-special-text. Another way is to use Ctrl-C to copy the value from Smartsheet. Then when pasting with right-click or using Ctrl-V, it will paste text only.

    I hope this helps