Form Access Message

I have a form that I want only certain users to have access to submit. If you don't have access but somehow land on the form I want to communicate to users which individuals they should follow up with.

It appears that Forms only allow you to block users based on domain, which wouldn't work for me because only people within my company domain will be accessing the Form. Some work arounds I've considered include:

  1. Asking at the top of the form if you are an approved request submitter along with providing a list of the approved people. If you answer "no", then I can build in logic to guide you from there. This seems like the friendliest option to non-approved submitters, but is a bit of a waste of time for those on the approved list.
  2. Building the form into a Dashboard and using the Dashboard permissions. I've tested this and it works, but I can't customize the message to blocked users.
  3. I've also read about providing a password to approved Form users that they then enter in the form to move forward.

What bothers me is that I have enabled the setting that requires form users to sign in. Is there any field value that will let me capitalize on this to compare or populate a field in the form that I can then drive some logic from?

Any other options you have done that I should consider?

Thanks for your help!


Best Answer

  • Vivien Chong
    Vivien Chong ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @electrichead If you are inputing the form in dashboard via Dynamic View, you may want to put a note (title or text) on top or at the bottom of the dynamic view to inform that if you do not have access to the dynamic view, it means you are not the intended recipient. So at least the viewer will not click on request access. 😁 Not sure if this workaround will work for you.
